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I want more, so much more

Sweet Gains bro! Nice booty girl! about the non physical changes we should be focusing on as well? I hear all of this talk about getting "swoll" (ya look it up, it's a thing) or about sweating for the wedding or changing your physique, which is great but I often wonder-and worry- about the things we are focusing on and the things we are not focusing on. Don't get me wrong I LOVE seeing people making healthy choices in their lives and getting more physically fit and being active. However, I do wonder why we aren't exploring other areas of our life, after all we are supposed to be this superior intelligent species.

My question is how can we develop ourselves as whole beings, not just one dimensional humans? Come on Kylee, I am too busy with life, work, and kids, and all the spare time I have goes into the gym 6 days a week, I cannot be expected to do anything else. But is 6 days, or lets say 6-10 hours of physical activity each week the best use of your time? I guess it is for those who want to live in one area of our lives and one area only. For me it just isn't all I want to achieve, and it isn't what I think we should all strive for. I challenge everyone to expand their mental health as much as their physical health.

When I close my eyes and think about the healthiest version of myself it includes so much more than getting sweet abs or a killer booty. My version of health includes being active in more ways than just lifting heavy weights. It includes flexibility training, equestrian fitness, cardiovascular endurance, but all of those things are just the tip of my health iceberg and to be honest they are not my first thought. My idea includes learning a language that isn't native to the country I live in; reading each day to keep my mind sharp; riding my horse so my soul feels free; travelling so I can see the beauty in other cultures; gardening so I can see something grow, and understand the process of the food I eat; spending time with those I love so when I am gone the memory of who I am is passed on. All of those things don't have anything to do with the gym or my physical health.

We are more than our physical selves, thank the universe for that! So take the time to include something that makes you more mentally healthy and add it into your routine. Just take the time to think! Take a spare 10 minutes each day and sit in a hot bath and focus on your breathing, take a long walk with no technology and be alone with your thoughts, or allow yourself to read for 20 minutes 4 times a week. Give yourself permission to be different than what society tells you that you should be. Expand your mind and your physical health will follow and thrive. Ask someone what book they are reading, or suggest one! Start a community project or get a group of people together to eat and chat every so often. Be different!

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