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What is your body telling you??

This weekend I was in my home city of Saskatoon and like always I have certain traditions I tend to enjoy while visiting. My favourite book store and my favourite restaurant, but the thing I cherish the most are the beautiful trails by the river.

I've been away from this gorgeous city since I was 19 and I am so grateful for the opportunities my new community has given me, but I always love coming back to Saskatoon.

I parked my car and ran down the dirt paths from the weir to the Delta, the beautiful castle looking hotel on the river, and it felt like I could run forever and never get tired.

No cell phone, no music in my ears, no distractions, just my heart pounding and my body moving. I wasn’t tracking my distance, or setting a pace to beat, I just listened to my body and ran as fast as it wanted me to run. As my legs grew tired my heart told my body to keep going. As I ran I thought of how grateful I am for the body I have and for the things it allows me to do.

Someone told me recently that you should listen to your body more and I'm beginning to understand how to do that and why it is important. My body wanted to run that day, it wanted to move. My heart led me to greeting every stranger with a hello or telling them to enjoy the beautiful day.

Saskatoon is a vibrant city and I was surrounded with runners of all ages and all shapes, but we all shared one thing in common. We chose to listen to our bodies and enjoy the day in nature.

Today I challenge you to ask your body what it needs and what it wants. Really listen... Is it telling you it feels strong and that you should lift, is it telling you that you're sore so you should do yoga or deep stretching, is it telling you to move, to run, to dance, and get out of your regular routine and get moving!?

Love your body, appreciate your body, and make your heart and soul happy by stepping out of your comfort zone.

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