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Lift others up

We have all been there before, we look at ourselves in a mirror and maybe compare ourselves to the person standing next to us or the person we were when we were younger. Our facial expression changes from one of self-confidence to one of self-doubt. We go from enjoying parts of our bodies to picking it apart and pointing out our flaws. It truly breaks my heart to heart to hear the words of hate spoken by beautiful people. I know the people who vocalize the small things are thinking much worse things to themselves.

Society has created a world of judgement and resentment towards the successes of others and the successes within us. We should be celebrating every strong woman and man who accomplishes something they have fought hard for. We should be passing out more “great job”, “wow, good for you”, or ”Did you hear about the exciting news that so and so is trying” instead of gossiping about people and sending out negative energy. We should be building people up by giving them constructive criticism and helping them reach their true potential. What is the harm in being positive, dreaming big, and taking chances on the things you believe in? Why do we find the need to look down on others instead of trying to help them see the value in who they are? You don’t have to be happy with everything, but when you are happy you should tell someone! Tell the waitress her service was phenomenal, tell your nail technician you appreciate her, tell your hairdresser she does a great job. Tell the woman working out next to you how strong she is, tell the people who inspire you how much they motivate you, and tell the people in your circle how much they mean to you. Stop complaining about the things you don’t like and start focusing on the things you do like!

We are all good at spreading negative feedback like wildfire but it is almost like no one wants to hear the good anymore. People do crazy things to alter their bodies and change who they are but they still end up miserable in the end because they didn’t love themselves in the first place. Ads on tv are telling you to use this cream and this hair product to look the most beautiful. Every magazine you flip through is filled with marketing gimmicks that make you think you need to do this or that in order to be more appealing. It is a waste of time, money, and energy. Spend that time loving yourself. Spend the money on a gym membership NOT because you should change your body but because you should love the feeling after you have worked out and made yourself stronger. Spend the energy accepting yourself and sharing your positivity with others.

I want to live in a world where people take an interest in one another, where people love one another and want them to succeed. I want to live in a world where the little guy is supported and encouraged to dream big and follow their heart. I believe in the good in people, I believe in kindness to ourselves and to all living things, and I believe that if we all evolved from wanting to change who we are to loving who we are the world would be filled with happier people and healthier people.

Be the positive influence and positive light the world needs and see how your health improves by being kind to all those around you. I believe that YOU can make a difference in the world you live in and that YOU can influence others in a positive way.

Cheers to a wonderful week!

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